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Trang chủ » 고궁 전주본점에서 만나는 놀라운 맛! 클릭해서 더 알아보세요.

고궁 전주본점에서 만나는 놀라운 맛! 클릭해서 더 알아보세요.

[전주맛집-풍남동] 고궁수라간, 한옥마을 전주비빔밥 레시피부터 남다른 서열1위 맛집

고궁 전주본점

고궁 전주본점

고궁 전주본점은 전주시 완산구 중화산동 3-7에 위치해 있는 전주 비빔밥 맛집으로, 서울 코엑스와 대구 지하상가, 부산 송도, 광주 하남과 같은 고궁 전주의 지점으로 인기가 높다. 중화산 옆 도로의 분수대에 위치하고 있어 쉽게 찾을 수 있으며, 70여 세를 넘는 건물로 예전 느낌이 물씬 나는 인테리어와 풍선한 분위기가 특징이다.

위치 및 출입

전주시 완산구 중화산동 3-7에 위치한 고궁 전주본점은 중화산 옆 도로에 있는 70여 세 건물 내부에 위치하고 있다. 전주시내에서 차로 10~15분 정도 거리이며, 호남각과 전주한옥마을 음식장터와 가까운 위치에 있다. 대중교통은 전주역에서 출발하는 버스와 택시를 이용해 쉽게 이동할 수 있다.

메뉴와 가격

고궁 전주본점의 메뉴는 전주비빔밥과 비빔국수, 냉면, 국밥 등 전통 한식 메뉴가 다양하게 준비되어 있다. 특히, 전주비빔밥은 칼국수육보다 더 많이 팔리는 인기 메뉴로 재료는 라면 어쩌고가 아닌, 진한 참기름과 마늘향이 매력인 쌀밥 위에 각종 야채와 소고기, 달걀 등을 얹고 고추장과 간장을 섞어 넣은 후 맛과 양을 자신의 입맛에 맞게 조절한 후에 함께 먹는 것이 전통이다. 가격은 전주비빔밥과 비빔국수, 냉면 등 메뉴에 따라 약 8,000원~10,000원 정도 다양하게 매겨져 있으며, 적절하게 저렴한 가격대로 구성되어 있다.

인테리어와 분위기

고궁 전주본점은 예전 벽돌과 목재한지, 아날로그 전환기등으로 구성된 인테리어와 선율을 이루며 전통적인 느낌이 물씬 나는 분위기가 특징이다. 생활 편의용품, 도자기등도 함께 사용되어 깔끔하고 세련된 공간을 만들어내고 있다. 또한 전주 한옥마을의 느낌을 살려 건물의 밖에서 봤을 때와는 달리 안에서는 한적하고 아담하게 느껴지는 분위기도 매력적으로 느껴진다.

서비스와 대기시간

고궁 전주본점은 영업시간동안 이용자들의 요청에 자주 응대하고 특별한 서비스를 제공하는 것이 특징이다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 고궁 전주본점 고궁 전주 비빔밥 coex, 고궁 뜻, 전주한옥마을 음식, 호남각, 전주비빔밥 맛집, 고궁식당, 전주 맛집, 전주 한국관

Categories: Top 93 고궁 전주본점

[전주맛집-풍남동] 고궁수라간, 한옥마을 전주비빔밥 레시피부터 남다른 서열1위 맛집

여기에서 자세히 보기:

고궁 전주 비빔밥 coex

고궁 전주 비빔밥(coex) is a Korean dish that has gained popularity all around the world. It is a dish that is made with mixed vegetables, rice, and spicy sauce that gives it a unique and flavorful taste. 전주(bibimbap) is a Korean word that translates to “mixed rice,” while 고궁(gung) means a palace, which translates into royal palace bibimbap.

The dish has its roots in the city of 전주(Jeonju), which is a city in the southern part of South Korea. Jeonju is considered to be the birthplace of bibimbap, and it is where the dish first originated. The dish was first created during the Joseon dynasty, which ruled Korea from 1392 to 1910. The dish was created as a way to use up leftovers and create a hearty and filling meal.

Over the years, bibimbap has evolved and become a popular dish in Korea and around the world. There are many different variations of bibimbap, and it is a dish that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

The 고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex) is a unique variation of bibimbap that is made with premium ingredients. It is a dish that is made with high-quality rice, mixed vegetables, and a spicy sauce that is made from red pepper paste.

Ingredients of 고궁 전주 비빔밥(coex)

The ingredients that are used to make the 고궁 전주 비빔밥(coex) are of the highest quality. The dish is made with premium ingredients that are sourced from all around Korea.

The rice that is used to make the dish is high-quality, short-grained rice that is specially grown for the dish. The rice is cooked in a special way to ensure that it is fluffy and has a slightly sticky texture.

The mixed vegetables that are used in the dish include carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, and bean sprouts. The vegetables are chopped into small pieces and then blanched to give them a slightly crunchy texture.

The sauce that is used in the dish is made from red pepper paste, sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, and honey. The sauce is mixed together, and then the cooked vegetables are added to the mixture. This gives the sauce a slightly sweet and spicy taste.

History of 고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex)

The history of the 고궁 전주 비빔밥(coex) is closely tied to the history of bibimbap itself. The dish was first created during the Joseon dynasty, and it was a popular dish among the aristocracy.

During the Joseon dynasty, bibimbap was made with premium ingredients that were sourced from all around Korea. The dish was often served to guests of the royal palace, and it was a popular dish among the members of the royal family.

Over the years, bibimbap has evolved and changed, and it has become a popular dish among all Koreans. The 고궁 전주 비빔밥(coex) is a unique variation of bibimbap that is made with premium ingredients and is considered to be a modern version of the dish.

How to eat 고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex)

The 고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex) is a dish that is meant to be mixed together just before eating. The rice, vegetables, and sauce are all mixed together, and then the dish is eaten.

To eat the dish, take a spoonful of the rice and vegetables mixture and place it into your mouth. The dish is meant to be eaten all at once, and it is not meant to be eaten in small bites.

The dish is often accompanied by a side of kimchi, which is a spicy Korean dish that is made from fermented vegetables. The spicy flavor of the kimchi complements the spiciness of the bibimbap sauce, creating a perfect balance of flavors.


Q. Is the 고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex) a healthy dish?

A. The dish can be considered healthy since it is made with mixed vegetables and high-quality rice. The sauce that is used in the dish contains red pepper paste, which has been found to have health benefits.

Q. Is the dish vegan?

A. The dish can be made vegan by omitting the meat that is often used in traditional bibimbap. The dish is made with mixed vegetables and rice, and the sauce can be made without meat.

Q. Is the dish gluten-free?

A. The dish can be made gluten-free by using gluten-free soy sauce. The sauce that is used in the dish often contains soy sauce, which can contain gluten.

Q. How spicy is the sauce used in the dish?

A. The spiciness of the sauce can vary depending on the recipe. Generally, the sauce is considered to be moderately spicy, but it can be adjusted to meet individual preferences.


고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex) is a delicious and flavorful dish that is made with high-quality ingredients. The dish has its roots in the city of Jeonju and has been a popular dish in Korea for centuries.

The dish is made with rice, mixed vegetables, and a spicy sauce that gives it a unique and delicious taste. The dish is often accompanied by a side of kimchi, which complements the flavors of the bibimbap sauce.

The dish can be considered healthy and can be made vegan and gluten-free. The sauce can be adjusted to meet individual preferences, making it a dish that can be enjoyed by almost everyone.

Overall, the 고궁 전주 비빔밥 (coex) is a dish that is definitely worth trying, whether you are in Korea or in another part of the world. With its unique and rich flavors, it is a dish that is sure to satisfy any craving for Korean cuisine.

고궁 뜻

When exploring Korean culture, one term that comes up frequently is “고궁,” or “gung-ung.” It refers to the palaces of the Joseon dynasty, which ruled Korea from the 14th to the late 19th century. These palaces are a symbol of Korean heritage and continue to attract visitors from around the world today. Here, we will explore the meaning and history of 고궁 in Korea.

Meaning of 고궁

In Korean, 고궁 is made up of two words: “고” and “궁.” The “고” character means “old” or “ancient.” It reflects the age of these palaces, which have stood for hundreds of years. The “궁” character refers to a palace, denoting the royal dwelling place of a king or queen.

History of 고궁

The history of 고궁 dates back to the Joseon dynasty, which was founded in 1392 by King Taejo. During this period, a total of five grand palaces were built in the Korean capital, Seoul. These palaces were Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, Deoksugung, and Gyeonghuigung.

The palaces were not just royal residences, but also served as administrative centers and ceremonial halls. During the Joseon dynasty, the Korean royal family lived a relatively isolated life, cut off from the common people. The palaces were surrounded by high walls and only accessible to a select few. However, they were also showcases of Korean culture and architecture. The palaces were designed with traditional Korean elements, with intricate paintings, sculptures, and gardens.

Following the Japanese occupation of Korea in the early 20th century, many of the palaces fell into disrepair. During the Korean War, several of the palaces were damaged or destroyed. However, in recent decades, there has been a renewed interest in Korean heritage, and efforts have been made to restore the palaces to their former glory. Today, the palaces are popular tourist attractions and important cultural landmarks in Korea.

Popular 고궁 Palaces

Gyeongbokgung Palace

Gyeongbokgung Palace, located in central Seoul, is the most famous of the five grand palaces. It was built in 1395 and served as the main royal residence until its destruction during the Japanese occupation. After its reconstruction in the 1990s, Gyeongbokgung Palace has become a beloved tourist destination. Visitors can watch the Changing of the Guard ceremony, tour the royal throne room, and explore the expansive palace grounds.

Changdeokgung Palace

Changdeokgung Palace, located in Jongno-gu, Seoul, is also a popular destination for tourists. It was built in 1405 and served as a secondary royal palace. Changdeokgung is noted for its stunning gardens, which have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Changgyeonggung Palace

Changgyeonggung Palace, located in Jongno-gu, is smaller than other grand palaces but is still worth exploring. It was built in the late 14th century and was used by the royal family during times of mourning. Today, visitors can stroll through the palace’s tranquil gardens and see its famous stone bridge.

Deoksugung Palace

Deoksugung Palace, located in Jung-gu, Seoul, is unique in that it combines traditional Korean architecture with some western-style buildings. It was built in the late 16th century and served as a residence for some of the kings. Deoksugung is also known for its beautiful gardens.

Gyeonghuigung Palace

Gyeonghuigung Palace, located in Jongno-gu, is the smallest of the grand palaces. It was built in the 17th century and served as a secondary palace for the kings. Today, it is a peaceful oasis in the middle of the bustling city.

FAQs About 고궁

Q: Are the palaces open to the public?
A: Yes, all of the grand palaces are open to the public. Visitors can purchase tickets on-site or online in advance.

Q: Are there tour guides available?
A: Yes, there are tour guides available for hire at most of the palaces. Visitors can also take audio tours or explore on their own.

Q: Can visitors wear traditional Korean clothing to the palaces?
A: Yes, traditional Korean clothing (hanbok) is permitted. In fact, many visitors choose to wear hanbok for a more immersive experience.

Q: When is the best time to visit the palaces?
A: The palaces are open year-round, but the best time to visit is during the spring (April to June) or fall (September to November) when temperatures are mild and the foliage is beautiful.

Q: What should visitors know before visiting the palaces?
A: Visitors should be prepared to do a lot of walking, as the palace grounds are vast. Comfortable shoes and clothing are recommended. Visitors should also be respectful of Korean customs and traditions while on the palace grounds.

In summary, 고궁 represents a crucial part of Korean cultural heritage. These grand palaces served as royal residences and administrative centers during the Joseon dynasty and remain important landmarks today. Visitors to Korea should make a point to explore these cultural landmarks for a glimpse into Korea’s rich history and culture.

주제와 관련된 이미지 고궁 전주본점

[전주맛집-풍남동] 고궁수라간, 한옥마을 전주비빔밥 레시피부터 남다른 서열1위 맛집
[전주맛집-풍남동] 고궁수라간, 한옥마을 전주비빔밥 레시피부터 남다른 서열1위 맛집

고궁 전주본점 주제와 관련된 이미지 31개를 찾았습니다.

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고궁 본점
고궁 본점
고궁 (Gogung) - 서울 중구 명동의 한식당
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전주 맛집 베스트 10 | 2022 숨은 맛집 한옥마을
전주 맛집 베스트 10 | 2022 숨은 맛집 한옥마을
전주 맛집 베스트 10 | 2022 숨은 맛집 한옥마을
전주 맛집 베스트 10 | 2022 숨은 맛집 한옥마을
동학농민혁명기념사업회 신임 이사장에 이종민 교수
동학농민혁명기념사업회 신임 이사장에 이종민 교수

Article link: 고궁 전주본점.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 고궁 전주본점.


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